Archive for the ‘Cow products for diseases’ Category


The invaluable dung ash If I claim that cow dung ash is so precious that it can save us from international debt slavery; would you believe me? But the fact is it may not be possible to assign any price in monetary terms to the ash which is left over after cooking on the dung cakes. Allow me to enumerate various uses of cow dung ash that has been part and parcel of Indian culture. Preservation of food grains In olden days, the kings used to preserve jowar for their subjects for use during drought year. For preserving jowar to last for years, ash of equal weight was mixed with jowar, and it then could be stored in this way for 12 years without any damage. Even in normal; course people could store food grains for 2 to 3 years in their storage tanks made of clay in each household, […]

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The last description gave details of how modern toothpaste are dangerously harmful not only; to our teeth but to the general health as well. Let’s take a look at the ancient methods of maintain dental health and its benefits in today’s era too if followed sincerely. In olden days people used DAATUN (TWIGS OF NEEM, BABUL, KARONJI TREES) to brush teeth. Yes, to brush the teeth, if that surprises you a bit. The teeth of this generation people remained healthy, cavity free and perfect even at a ripe of 70 years. These people could eat sugarcane without having difficulty while peeling it with their teeth. DAATUN was an excellent toothbrush which could be disposed off after each use and what more; being natural; it was biodegradable and thus safe for environment unlike the modern toothpaste which contains non biodegradable chemicals that pollutes the environment. Tooth paste requires the use of […]

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Millions of Dollars are spent annually on health care industry worldwide in today’s scenario, yet people are not finding remedy that can completely cure the disease they are suffering from. Medical approaches like allopath etc are known to cause several side effects that give rise to other health problems. However age old practice of Vedic medical science through Ayurveda that is holistic approach to treat diseases is ignored and forgotten unfortunately by Indians as well. The herbs used as medicines in Ayurveda often utilize   Go Panchgavya– Cow’s Urine, Dung, Milk, Ghee and Curd to season and prepare them. This altogether new application of herbs grown in complete organic natural conditions mixed with Panchgavya has given rise to new Gau-panchgavya science. GoSeva – GoKripa Products have been manufacturing such medicines since last 10 years and has got such a large positive feedback from its users that the company was inspired to establish […]

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Gau Mutra Ark is “A GIFT OF AYURVEDA” Distilled Cow Urine is having such healing potentials to balance TriDosha (Vaat, Pitt, Kapha) its Air, Bile and Mucous. Gau Mutra from Indian Cow Breed having such ability to balance. Why its called a divine gift of Ayurveda, it cures TriDosha or Disorders – the unbalance of this in Body is called Fall in Illness.What Gau Mutra Ark Can do is Balance Colesterol levels  A Perfect Ayurvedic and efficient anti bacterial agent. Reduces Body Fat (Or Increase if Fat is abnormal – high or less) Increase White Blood Cells (white blood cells play an important role in the immune system by protecting the body from infectious agents.) Function as anti-oxidant and delays ageing process. Serve as Detoxiffier especially the toxicity caused by modern drugs. Useful to cure respiratory disorders Regenerate the damaged cells and tissues Gau Mutra Ark (Distilled Cow Urine) is […]

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Important Usage of Gir Cow Ghee from Indian Gir Cow

गिर गाय के घी के महत्वपूर्ण उपयोग :– 1.A2 प्रकार गिर गाय का घी नाक में डालने से पागलपन दूर होता है। 2. A2 प्रकार गिर गाय का घी नाक में डालने से एलर्जी खत्म हो जाती है। 3. A2 प्रकार गिर गाय का घी नाक में डालने से लकवा का रोग में भी उपचार होता है। 4.20-25 ग्राम घी व मिश्री खिलाने से शराब, भांग व गांझे का नशा कम हो जाता है। 5.गिर गाय का घी नाक में डालने से कान का पर्दा बिना ओपरेशन के ही ठीक हो जाता है। 6.नाक में घी डालने से नाक की खुश्की दूर होती है और दिमाग तारो ताजा हो जाता है। 7.गिर गाय का घी नाक में डालने से कोमा से बहार निकल कर चेतना वापस लोट आती है। 8. A2 प्रकारगाय का घी नाक में डालने से बाल झडना समाप्त होकर नए बाल भी आने लगते है। 9.गिर गाय […]

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Celebrating Fifth Year of GoMata Seva

Go-raksha (cow protection) is done properly if one takes it as a religious duty rather than a career opportunity. In the former mindset; the vedic period, one attempted to serve cows rather than be served by them; one aspired for spiritual gain rather than material gain. Unfortunately the cow protection is rendered unsustainable today due to urbanization and consumerism. Modern man has lost his roots. However cow protection hasn’t lost importance but because urban man has become so successfully indoctrinated and acclimated to artificial living and consumerism he no longer understands or values the fruits of it. This is the very reason of the success of Gomata seva which has entered into its fifth year of celebrated launch. In 5 years Journey Activities started  Panchagavya Cow Medicines (Manufacturing as GO KRIPA PRODUCTS )  Club togather Go Shalas in Jasdan and Near Jasdan through entire GIR Area  spread Vedic Life style […]

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Indigenous Cows Demand Rises – Article on EconomicTimes – News Paper By Sri KHACHAR Saheb

Recently  (11 Nov, 2014) an article published in The EconoicTimes related to climate change and demand of Desi (Indigenous Cow and Cattle) in Domestic and Global. After a special interview with our true guide honorable Sri Satyajitkumar Khachar Saheb (Darbar Sri – Jasdan State). “Indian breed cows are in demand in Brazil and Argentina due to their sturdy qualities and high milk yield,” Khachar said. He added that it was “very economical” to export Gir and Kankrej breeds of cows, both from Gujarat, and Ongole cattle, which are known to be resistant to mad cow disease.  Here is over view of this important article.   NEW DELHI: Climate change is spurring something positive for India: growing overseas demand for indigenous cattle, which the government is keen to support. Markets from Australia to Brazil are seeking India’s cattle for their resilient qualities such as tick resistance, heat tolerance and the ability […]

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ACIDITY Cause and cure

What is Acidity, how to control and how it is caused Natural Methods to cure Acidity Many diseases are our own callings, i.e, we invite them ourselves by our faulty lifestyles. In medical terminology acidity is termed as ‘ gastrophysial reflex disease’. Ayurveda terms it as ‘Amla pitta’. Every second person today suffers from this problem. Acidity hampers the body’s digestive process. CAUSES OF ACIDITY According to the modern science, for proper digestion of food in the stomach, hydrochloric acid and pepsin is secreted. Normally this gastric juice containing HCl and Pepsin remains in the stomach and do not come in contact with the food pipe, oesophagus. This is because of special sphincter muscles present at the junction of oesophagus and stomach which specialized to prevent regurgitation of food in the food pipe. But in abnormal condition these muscles fails to close the passage between the stomach and food pipe. This […]

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महौषधि है गौमूत्र

महौषधि है गौमूत्र गौमूत्र मनुष्य जाति तथा वनस्पति जगत को प्राप्त होने वाला अमूल्य अनुदान है। यह धर्मानुमोदित, प्राकृतिक, सहज प्राप्य हानिरहित, कल्याणकारी एवं आरोग्यरक्षक रसायन है। गौमूत्र- योगियों का दिव्यपान है। इससे वे दिव्य शक्ति पाते थे। गौमूत्र में गंगा नेवास किया है। यह सर्वपाप नाशक है। अमेरिका में अनुसंधान से सिध्द हो गया है कि विटामिन बी गौ के पेट में सदा ही रहता है। यह सतोगुणी रस है व विचारों में सात्विकता लाता है। 6 मास लगातार पीने से आदमी की प्रकृति सतोगुणी हो जाती है। यह रजोगुण व तमोगुण का नाशक है। शरीरगत विष भी पूर्ण रूप से मूत्र, पसीना व मलांश के द्वारा बाहर निकलता है। यह मनोरोग नाशक है। विष को शमन करने में गौमूत्र पूर्ण समर्थ है। आयुर्वेद की बहुत सी विषैली जड़ी-बूटियों व विष के पदार्थ गौमूत्र से ही शुध्द किये जाते हैं। गौ क्या है? गौ मूत्र क्या है?- गौ में सब […]

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Gau Mata – The greatness of Indigenous breed of Cows

In the Vedic story Sage Saumitra of Bhrigu clan looked after his herd of cows with great love and affection. One day he was visited by a Brahimin Angrisa who gave a herb to his cows by virtue of which the cows became very healthy and began producing milk with medicinal qualities that which consumed by sage Saumitra cured him of his certain skin ailments. However this quality of sensing of master’s joys and sufferings are inherent in Desi cow breeds of Indian lineage and origin. It is often observed that when cows see that the care taker is suffering of certain ailment, if taken care of with love, affection and understanding the cows start feeding on the herbs from the pastures that will induce the production of milk with medicinal qualities which would be helpful in curing the ailment of its master. How they recognize this herb in actually […]

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