Archive for the ‘Cow Protection’ Category

What Is Pure Ghee – Why Pure Desi Gir Cow Ghee Become Costlier

Pure Gir Cow Ghee and Costing FADS Who doesn’t know the benefit of pure ghee of gir cow of indigenous breed? This ghee besides being an essential ingredient of vegetarian diet is also a vitamin, and fat supplier. The modern research has proven facts that Clarified butter obtained from indigenous breeds of cow’s milk is more than healthy. If prepared by Vedic process the gir cow ghee becomes spiritually energized with positive energy, thus establishing total physical, mental and spiritual harmony. VEDIC PROCEDURE OF PREPARING GHEE However the procedure involved in preparation of Vedic ghee is quite tedious and consumes time as well as manual labour. First of all the milk is curdled into thick yogurt. This Curd is then hand churned in clay pots using wooden churner while reciting of Vedic mantra such as Hare Krishna Mantra. Then the butter so obtained is heated in iron vessel to get […]

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Becoming Self Reliant Through Cow Protection

Indian culture and economy has long revolved around Cow protection. The Agricultural, Fuel, Food & Nutrition, Transportation along with medical needs are all taken care of by cow rearing and breeding in every household. Lets take a look on the benefits of Cow Serving. SPIRITUAL Benefits The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna advises go-rakshya, which means cow protection in His instructions of Bhagavad Gitä Cows are dear to Lord Krishna. That is why Krishna is also called Gopal that is savior of the cows. * It releases from past sinful reaction. * Protection from both moral and spiritual degradation. * Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained, and without brahmanical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled. *The cow products (panchgavya) are used to perform yagna sacrifices, the prescribed duties of humans described in Vedas.   HUMANITY Benefits * Cow protection brings happiness and perfection in […]

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Save Cows And Save Ecosystem

Save Cows And Save Ecosystem The idea of using animal waste to generate energy has been around for centuries, with manure being used every day in remote villages to generate heat for cooking. Now the researchers have found a way to combine dairy farm waste and the heat generated from data centers to create a sustainable ecosystem. If an average dairy cow produces about 55 kg of solid waste each day, which adds to 20 metric tonnes annually – the weight of four adult elephants. For a medium-sized dairy farm of 10,000 cows, 200,000 metric tones of manure (equating to the weight of 40,000 elephants) is generated each year. Unmanaged livestock waste can create negative environmental impact (air pollution and ground water contamination); and the methane created through anaerobic digestion of manure has proven to be 21 times more damaging than carbon dioxide, aggravating climate change. Around 3.0 kilowatt-hours of […]

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Mass Scale Slaughter Of Cows And The Problem Of Rising Unemployment In India.

As a result of large scale slaughter of animals resulting in non-availability of dung, millions of Hindus and Muslims and people of other castes have lost their age-old profession. What we need to is the change in thought process that generates apathy towards the mother cows in so called modern society. Lets ponder upon some bare facts point wise- We know that the dung cake and the meat of the bullock both are commercial commodities. If one bullock is slaughtered, its meat i.e. slaughtering activity can sustain the butcher’s trade for only a day. For the next day’s trade another bullock has to be slaughtered. But if the bullock is not slaughtered, about 5 to 6 thousand dung cakes can be made out of its dung per year, and by the sale of such dung cake, one person can be sustained for a whole year. If a bullock survives even […]

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Mother And Child Care Benefits Of Cow Dung

For centuries, experienced midwives have been using oil massage and fomentation on fire lit with cow dung cakes to supervise and provide necessary care as per the principles of Ayurveda to women in village’s time of childbirth. The midwives used to massage the woman and new born child for 40 days after delivery, with the help of oil and slow fomentation, with the help of heated dung cakes. However, now the dung cakes have become almost unavailable and thus health of 12 crore women has come into peril.The female population of our villages need utmost care at the time of giving birth to a child and immediately thereafter. Oil also is very costly and hence, poor women are unable to buy it. And thus, lakhs of Hindu and Muslim midwives have lost their centuries old, ancestral and at the same time, very useful profession. Thus, on one hand, conventional and […]

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Cow Dung – A Gold Mine

One of the few nectars of this world is water, another is milk and the third one is cattle dung. With onset of what we call “modern civilization”, we have been despising a few things and one of these is cattle dung. This is so because we have forgotten that the basis of our progress as a race depends on the optimal use of our resources, an important resource base being bovine dung. If a choice before mankind were put in crystal clear terms as to whether it chooses cattle dung or desertification of the earth. If we accept the concept that dung is the nucleus of our prosperity and has no substitute, the following will follow: – Fertilizer will be cheaply available to us. – Food grains can be produced and made available at reasonable rates. – Our soil will retain its fertility. – Cheap fuel will be available […]

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Beef Consumption An Ecological And A Health Hazrad

Beef Consumption An Ecological And A Health Hazrad- A Report The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released “Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change and Health,” a comprehensive report that suggests : we all need to eat fewer animal products – not just meat, but dairy as well. The guide tracks the lifecycle of the food we eat, from production and processing to consumption and waste disposal.   For instance: Of 20 common proteins and vegetables analyzed, cheese has the third highest greenhouse gas emissions. Beef has the highest, lentils have the lowest. If everyone in the U.S. ate no meat or cheese just one day a week, over a year, the effect on emissions would be the equivalent of taking 7.6 million cars off the road. A 2009 National Cancer Institute study of 500,000 Americans found that the people who ate the most red meat were 20 percent more likely to […]

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Panchgavya-Description Based On Scriptures And Modern Research

What (How) PanchGavya is… Description Based On Scriptures And Modern Research Importance Of PanchGavya Pancha’ means 5 and ‘Gavya’ means substance obtained from the Cow. Panchgavya is a blend of the 5 Gavyas obtained from the Cow namely Cow Milk, Cow Ghee, Curd, Cow Urine & Cow Dung. Glorified very highly in Vedic scriptures for its purity and curing Powers, its medical, nutritional, environmental and agricultural efficacies are accepted and respected by modern science, alike. Detoxifying, Anti-Cancer, Bio-Enhancing, Immunomodulatory, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Septic, Anti-Tuberculosis, Anti-Fungal are some of its properties in modern scientific terms. It has the capacity to control and balance all the three life forces (Tridoshas) namely Vat, Pitt & Kaphaas per Ayurveda. In Sanskrit, Panchagavya means the blend of five products obtained from cow. Panchagavya is made from five products of the cow — its dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd.   The uses and healing properties of […]

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Cow-The Miraculous Doctor And Practical Methods Of Cow Protection

Cow-The Miraculous Doctor And Practical Methods Of Cow Protection (Chamitkaric Chikitsak) There is no need to establish the medicinal properties of Panchgavya today. Panchgavya is a term used to describe five major substances, obtained from cow, which include cow’s urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung. All the five products possess medicinal properties against many disorders and are used for the medicinal purpose singly or in combination with some other herbs. This kind of treatment is called Panchgavya therapy or cowpathy. The ancient ayurvedic literature (Vir Charak Samhita, Sushrut, Gad Nigrah) suggests a number of pharmacological applications of the substances obtained from Panchgavya. These substances are abundantly used in Ayurveda for treatment of several disorders such as leucoderma, hyperlipidemia, arthritis, renal disorders, dietary disorders, gastrointestinal track disorders, acidity, asthma etc. These remedies seem to be potent anticancer and anti HIV agents. Recently the cow urine has been granted U.S. Patents (No. […]

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Ayurvedic Panchagavya is the Answer – How to cure Cancer

  The most dangerous disease of any millennium is cancer. It can be called as the killer disease. The third stage of cancer is practically impossible to treat and whatever allopathic treatment is available ( Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy) are full of side effects with possibly no guarantee of cure. However there is still hope as far as Ayurveda is concerned. Ayurvedic cow Panchagavya is the Answer – How to cure Cancer.         |||Cancer: – Causes and symptoms||| Cancer is caused by improper usage of ‘indriyas’ or senses in carrying out day to day activities (Improper karmas-deeds). The cell division– Improper division of cells, due to carcinogenic substances, also causes cancer. Foods – Improper eating habits can produce cancer. Tobacco – Smoking either direct or indirect, can cause cancer, chewing of tobacco etc. are known to be carcinogenic. Alcohol – Consumption of alcohol in abnormal quantities, is known […]

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