Let us give a thought to this- Remembering and offering our obeisances and a little food to our own Gau-mata only on the festivals like Diwali, Holi etc or taking out Gau- Gras during ‘Pitr Paksh’ enough to maintain and protect cow?
The cow is not just a milch cattle who is to be exploited and degraded for selfish human greeds but it’s a holy companion of the Lord Krishna.
Since ages Indian have used Dairy product for cultural, religious and nutritional supplements and Go-Panchgavya has been used as miraculous healing agent to cure ulcers and many other fatal diseases. Unfortunately we Indian today ourselves have forgotten her glories and merely aping the west, neglecting our prime duty of cow protection.
In a treatise called ‘Gokarunanidhi’, (Ocean of mercy to the cow), published by Dayananda Saraswathi in 1881 the author strongly opposed cow slaughter as an anti-Hindu act. It is propounded that Hindus should cleanse their religion and return to the purer form of Hinduism which existed during Vedic times.
The vedic culture maintained and protected the cow and honored it as the mother.
In present times it has literally become impossible to maintain and rear a cow in your own home stead. So what can be the methods of protecting our Go-Mata?
Let’s ponder upon the following suggested methods:
• Establish the Go-shalas all over the nation, in every town and village.
• Ban cow slaughter by law.
• Train the people to maintain self reliant Go-Shala.
• Encourage people to donate liberally for the noble cause of caw protection to protect their own India culture.
• Create awareness about the use of cow products which not only are chemical free that protect environment but are beneficial to your own health.
• Encourage people to adopt a cow.
• Establish educational institute where cow protection, breeding and cow maintenance along with manufacturing of cow products are taught as course subjects.