Archive for the ‘Cow Protection’ Category

Dhanyavad – Banglore for Kind Response at Nadi Parikshan Camp

Go-Chiktsa Seminar and Naadi Parikshan Camp; Bangluru. Naadi Parikshan Camp commenced at Bangluru by Vedic Academy for Panchgavya Education an initiative by Go-Kripa Products – Jasdan is another feather in its cap, in its step by step journey to serve Gau-Mata by creating public awareness about Gau –Chiktsa and Panchgavya medicine by conducting series of camp throughout the nation. The camp was conducted for four days from 18th September to 21st September at Bangalore in collaboration with several Gau lovers and Gau-Bhakta who have dedicated their lives to serve and conserve the Indian ‘Desi’ breeds of cows. The overwhelming response and cooperation by the local residents have not only encouraged us in our mission but has doubled our courage to pursue our efforts on a larger scale nationally and with Krishna willing Internationally too. The best part of the venture was the enthusiasm of the enrolled students who ardently learned […]

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Nadi Vigyan Camp at Bangluru

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ — (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)   An individual who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s; Dosha (humours), Jathra Agni (digestive fire),Dhatu (tissues) and Mal Kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual. Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of body, mind and soul to achieve anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual well being. One of the parameters of diagnosing of disease in Ayurveda relied on Nadi Parikshan. This ancient Vedic art could diagnose all kinds of ailments from Diabetes to cancer and many. In other words an expert Ayurvedic Practitioner could foretell the internal condition of the body by simply examining the pulse of an individual. It surpasses the use of costly modern day diagnostic techniques which may even produce harmful effects like radiation exposure etc. However in the […]

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PANCHGAVYA FOR SPIRITUAL SCIENCE The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna advises go-rakshya, which means cow protection in His instructions of Bhagavad gitä Cows are dear to Lord Krishna. That is why Krishna is also called Gopal that is savior of the cows. One of the ideal methods to protect the cows is to inculcate the usage of Panchgavya in our lives. Cow protection brings happiness and perfection in life. Cow slaughter is the only reason of wide spread terrorism. Cow protection and Panchgavya usage is the perfect way to give some relief to this world by following the path of serving humanity shown by God. Because of innumerable benefits of cow products i.e. the milk, curds, ghee and even the urine and dung which has medical, agricultural and industrial application the whole humanity is benefited. Usage of Cow Panch-gavya products is the simpler and Practical approach to serve the […]

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If we happen to evaluate the value of cow dung; we will realize that this dung alone can relieve us from international debt slavery. You are wondering how? Well lets us ponder on these key points: Manures from cow urine & dung, makes the soil fertile, for yielding more nutrient fruits & Vegetables for healthy life & aids in overcoming the negatives of Chemical fertilizers.   Dung can be used in energy productions such as BIOGAS AND ELECTRICITY, which surpasses the harmful effects of production of energy through conventional sources like burning of fossil fuels and nuclear fuel.   The cow dung in the best alternative to artificial fertilizer that has so many harmful effects on the environment & therefore is helpful in pursuing organic farming.   Cow (urine & dung) provide the right solutions for most of the diseases that are considered incurable.   Cow dung & urine has […]

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Glories of Cow Dung Ash

Cow dung ash as a water purifier Do you know cow dung ash can be used for purifying water. Purifying water is a serious issue. Generally either we add chlorine or some other chemical or we boil the water in the. Adding chlorine etc has its own defects and side effects. However cow dung ash is an excellent water purifier. All harmful bacteria are killed just by adding a pinch or two of cow dung ash in few liters of water. We have to use cow dung ash that comes from vedic cows only. This option of adding cow dung ash is so cheap that anyone can afford it. It has absolutely no side effects. Water purified using the cow dung ash is so much cheaper than bottled water which uses costly methods and machines to be purified and packed. At the same time these radiations in ultra violet water […]

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In Ayurveda, it is said: gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata Meaning: Meaning: Cow’s Panchgavya is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart; giver of mental and physical strength; enhances longevity. It balances bile, mucous and airs. It is an effective healer of heart diseases and remover of the effects of poison. In a practical observation, in people dealing with Cow Panchgavya formulations in rural India shows that diseases like Psoriasis was cured. The white patches on the skin disappeared. The split wounds on the foot were healed. 50 ml of filtered Panchagavya mixed with 200 ml of water, tender coconut water or fruit juice taken orally in empty stomach in the morning. This is for many types of diseases like AIDS, Neurological disorders, Tuberculosis, Diabetes etc.   AIDS patients regained lost appetite and digestion and […]

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What Makes The Panchgavya Important for Medical Science?

Panchgavya is concocted by mixing Cow’s milk, Curd, Ghee, Urine and Dung together. Every ingredient of Panchgavya has immense medicinal value. Of these ingredients Cow’s milk is of foremost valuable as it makes complete balanced and nutritious diet. It is considered to have nectarine qualities. It is sweet, cold, destroyers of vatta, pitta, and blood imperfections in constitutions. Even the curd prepared from cow’s milk is full of vital potentiality.       The butter milk made from this curd is easy to digest and destroys the bilious reaction. Cow’s ghee (the clarified butter) is especially significant as it is beneficial for eyes and increases the vital force by imparting physical strength. Go-mutra is known for its efficiency in curing liver disorder. The chemical analysis of go-mutra reveals that it jas potassium, magnesium, calcium, urea, ammonia, chloride, creatinine, water and phosphate along with other constituents. Gau-mutra destroys kappha, pain in […]

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Let us give a thought to this- Remembering and offering our obeisances and a little food to our own Gau-mata only on the festivals like Diwali, Holi etc or taking out Gau- Gras during ‘Pitr Paksh’ enough to maintain and protect cow?     The cow is not just a milch cattle who is to be exploited and degraded for selfish human greeds but it’s a holy companion of the Lord Krishna. Since ages Indian have used Dairy product for cultural, religious and nutritional supplements and Go-Panchgavya has been used as miraculous healing agent to cure ulcers and many other fatal diseases. Unfortunately we Indian today ourselves have forgotten her glories and merely aping the west, neglecting our prime duty of cow protection. In a treatise called ‘Gokarunanidhi’, (Ocean of mercy to the cow), published by Dayananda Saraswathi in 1881 the author strongly opposed cow slaughter as an anti-Hindu act. […]

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In this series let’s look at the olden ways of getting rid of exfoliating the skin with natural and holistic soaps. Let’s go back in Krishna’s era; when supreme personality of Godhead Lord Shri Krishna Himself appeared on earth. In Bhagwat puran it is clearly mentioned that baby Krishna was given a bath with cow’s urine and dung after he killed the demon Putana who fed the baby Krishna with her poisonous milk. This shows that in ancient times people considered cows to be so sacred that even their urine and dung was considered to be pure. Modern research has already proven that Cow dung has many antibacterial and other therapeutic properties which when used on skin can not only help it to keep health but also increase the glow of the skin. The soaps made of cow dung also contain natural herbs such as Neem, Camphor etc that makes […]

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The invaluable dung ash If I claim that cow dung ash is so precious that it can save us from international debt slavery; would you believe me? But the fact is it may not be possible to assign any price in monetary terms to the ash which is left over after cooking on the dung cakes. Allow me to enumerate various uses of cow dung ash that has been part and parcel of Indian culture. Preservation of food grains In olden days, the kings used to preserve jowar for their subjects for use during drought year. For preserving jowar to last for years, ash of equal weight was mixed with jowar, and it then could be stored in this way for 12 years without any damage. Even in normal; course people could store food grains for 2 to 3 years in their storage tanks made of clay in each household, […]

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