Posts Tagged ‘tooth powder’


The last description gave details of how modern toothpaste are dangerously harmful not only; to our teeth but to the general health as well. Let’s take a look at the ancient methods of maintain dental health and its benefits in today’s era too if followed sincerely. In olden days people used DAATUN (TWIGS OF NEEM, BABUL, KARONJI TREES) to brush teeth. Yes, to brush the teeth, if that surprises you a bit. The teeth of this generation people remained healthy, cavity free and perfect even at a ripe of 70 years. These people could eat sugarcane without having difficulty while peeling it with their teeth. DAATUN was an excellent toothbrush which could be disposed off after each use and what more; being natural; it was biodegradable and thus safe for environment unlike the modern toothpaste which contains non biodegradable chemicals that pollutes the environment. Tooth paste requires the use of […]

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