Posts Tagged ‘importance of Dung Panchgavya’

Cow Dung – A Gold Mine

One of the few nectars of this world is water, another is milk and the third one is cattle dung. With onset of what we call “modern civilization”, we have been despising a few things and one of these is cattle dung. This is so because we have forgotten that the basis of our progress as a race depends on the optimal use of our resources, an important resource base being bovine dung. If a choice before mankind were put in crystal clear terms as to whether it chooses cattle dung or desertification of the earth. If we accept the concept that dung is the nucleus of our prosperity and has no substitute, the following will follow: – Fertilizer will be cheaply available to us. – Food grains can be produced and made available at reasonable rates. – Our soil will retain its fertility. – Cheap fuel will be available […]

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