Nadi Vigyan Camp at Bangluru

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥
— (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)


An individual who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s;
Dosha (humours), Jathra Agni (digestive fire),Dhatu (tissues) and Mal Kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual.
Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of body, mind and soul to achieve anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual well being.

One of the parameters of diagnosing of disease in Ayurveda relied on Nadi Parikshan. This ancient Vedic art could diagnose all kinds of ailments from Diabetes to cancer and many. In other words an expert Ayurvedic Practitioner could foretell the internal condition of the body by simply examining the pulse of an individual. It surpasses the use of costly modern day diagnostic techniques which may even produce harmful effects like radiation exposure etc. However in the modern times only few Ayurvedic practitioners are able to do expert Naadi parikshan and it will not be exaggeration to say that these Vaidyas are an institution in themselves.
It is a matter of extreme fortune that VAPE – Go-Kripa products will be conducting its NADI VIGYAN camp at Bangluru under the leadership of HG Shree Namacharya Das who is not only an expert Ayurvedic Ppractitioner with in-depth knowledge of Naadi parikshan but is also an ardent Go-Bhakta with life fully dedicated to the service of Gau-Mata.
Although millions of Dollars are spent annually on health care industry worldwide in today’s scenario, yet people are not finding remedy that can completely cure the disease they are suffering from. Medical approaches like allopathy etc are known to cause several side effects that give rise to other health problems. So the need of the hour is to turn our focus and resources to better, holistic and natural approach to treat diseases that is Ayurveda.
The herbs used as medicines in Ayurveda often utilize Go Panchgavya– Cow’s urine, dung, milk, ghee and curd to season and prepare them. This altogether new application of herbs grown in complete organic natural conditions mixed with Panchgavya has given rise to new gau-panchgavya medical science.

Bangluru Nadi Parikshan Camp

Bangluru Nadi Parikshan Camp

Bangluru Nadi Parikshan Camp

Bangluru Nadi Parikshan Camp

In our quest to make general masses aware of the glories of gau-panchgavya medical science and ayurvedic naadi parikshan vigyaan another four day camp is being organized at Bangaluru from 18 September to 21 September solely for the purpose to guide the participants to understand the basics of Go-shala maintainace and self reliant features of go-shala.
The subject matter of the course of this camp is to introduce Vedic life style and importance of Gau mata, Panch gavya-medical science and Panch Gavya products. The principles of Ayurveda and gau-Panchgavya as remedial medication will be discussed in details with experts. Relation of farming and cow rearing can be widely inquired and discussed during the camp.

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