Diwali wishes comes your way
Are filled with blessings of Gau –Mata today!
Lots of prosperity and good health too
You will have in all you do!!

Dear Gau Bhakta

On the auspicious occasion of Deepawali we bring our heartiest wishes and prayers that you may be blessed with health, wealth and good fortune; the whole year!

Go Mata Seva is committed to serve and conserve the cows and to serve its Bhakta who work relentlessly to protect and serve the cows by putting in labor or Laxmi for the benefit of the society as well as the environment.

Keeping up with the vow to protect and conserve the Gau Mata (Indigenous Cow breeds), Go- kripa Products- Jasdan has come up with a novel idea this festival season which will serve the dual purpose of both support cow protection and serve the society with better health as well as prosperity. The nectarine Go-Panchgavya products help in resorting environmental and individual health simultaneously. When you gift these cow product which bring physical, mental and spiritual well being simultaneously to your friends and relatives you are actually thinking about their well being which in turn brings good vibes and mental satisfaction based on karma principle.



Diwali wishes


We request you humbly, to gift these Cow- Products this festival season to your friends and relatives and help support the self sustainability of Gau-shalas and other cow shelters established by governmental and non- governmental aid across the nation.

There can’t be a better way to celebrate Deepawali than to celebrate it with noble cause of protecting and serving Gau mata who is in dire need to dire need of your support to save them from being slaughtered mercilessly by the hands of atheists and sinful.

Serve Cows To Save Yourself !


In Your Service


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